Have Architectural Questions? Look Here

Frequently Asked Questions

Architecture as a service is largely inaccessible and expensive for the general public. It’s often intimidating and cumbersome to seek out affordable design advice for home improvement projects. We are hoping to change that.

Research has shown that viewing architecture as an art, a culture of allegiance and indoctrination, disassociation from clients and end users, neglecting moral and ethical responsibilities, and outdated models of education and practice have all led to the marginalisation of practising architects, consequently increasing the stress levels of academics and heightening the concerns of emerging architects. VR and AR are increasingly popular for communicating design intentions and visualising spaces before they are constructed; this helps in feeding-forward in a design process. However, these tools or workflows or not well integrated or available to clients or architects which can facilitate onsite supervision and feed back into the design process or to communicate effectively with other project participants.

Journey to advancing in architecture profession is long and arduous one, where rapport building with peers and clients is key to success, both professionally and emotionally. ArchiPal aims to build a community of built-environment professionals that recognizes the specific needs of its members and who are available to offer helping hand at affordable prices. While sign-up to ArchiPal will be through a professional social media account (e.g. LinkedIn, Academia), to be listed in a category, members will require registration/endorsement from a professional body, university or architectural school, verifiable ID and two references (similar to those for job applications). Once a member’s subscription is verified in any category, a special invitation is sent to their referee to join the ArchiPal community as a Mentor/Guru, explaining the benefits and rewards on offer. Every member will be verified through a system of reviews, likes, completed project values and star badges that they will earn through their journey as members (like focused LinkedIn or Stack overflow.com for built environment professionals). This will be a reciprocal arrangement for each professional category, which will increase the visibility of the ArchiPal community and make its business model viable.

Our vetted ArchiPals produce world-class Designs. As such, they earn 80% of all connection fees at minimum; sometimes they earn more, depending on other factors. It’s our mission to match talented ArchiPals to Clients who understand the importance of quality design. That’s why at ArchiPal we believe in fair pricing and empowerment of the both Clients and ArchiPals.

The remaining 20% pays for the labor of vetting our ArchiPals, facilitating projects and reviewing design content for quality assurance. It also pays for the software platform, including our online subscriptions and regulatory compliances.

We are so confident that unless it is a very specialised job, your local ArchiPals are guaranteed to have the expertise and talent required to be able to do it. Our ArchiPal’s vision is guided by the requirements of their client and executed by various consultants, engineers and skilled workers. They are all ArchiPals Family.

Typically, home improvement companies, building product suppliers and tradesmen are not always experts in visualising complete picture at the outset. This results in unpredictable outcomes, additional expenses and delays. ArchiPals are aptly trained to encapsulate all aspects, provide comprehensive vision and add value to the projects.

We vet our ArchiPals with a series of tests to ensure they meet our standards. We only accept the ArchiPals who provide a valid professional qualification and current registration with appropriate regulatory body. Alongside, we also seek two references from their Mentors or peers of ArchiPals who apply. ArchiChamps are verified through their institutional credentials.

ArchiPals are then subject to ongoing evaluations based on your feedback and randomised checks. We make no compromises when it comes to service quality.

We offer a variety of project health-check services. You can select from one or many of our services. Should you want a second opinion on what your ArchiPal delivers. You can have your project evaluated by a neutral 3rd party (ArchiMentor/ ArchiGuru) who have at least 15 years of experience. They can quickly generate a swot analysis report based on your brief and what your ArchiPal deliverd.

If you’re not happy with your ArchiPal or our services, please contact us. We offer customer service during normal business hours via phone and 24X7 Live-Chat. We’ll evaluate the situation, make any necessary fixes, and ensure that we’re achieving our standards. 

Our clients also have an option to nomination an ArchiGuru from our members while placing the order or at any stage before the accepting final delivery of content.

Clients will visit the ArchiPal’s site because listed services will be of the highest quality, professionally certified, less expensive and readily available for purchase. Owners of small to medium types of residential projects with modest budgets are often influenced and overwhelmed with suggestions from contractors and advertisers. Likewise, product suppliers marketing schemes and offers on building-related products motivate clients into deliberations and encourage them to indulge in impulsive buying. Small project clients, for whom mainstream architecture practices do not prefer to work, generally demand products and services which provide them with use-value. ArchiPals’ can provide overall vision, innovative designs, and cost-saving tips, which reflect value-addition in the aesthetics, functionality, project cost and execution of building works. Using ArchiPal, a client will be able to distinguish between competing product and service providers and add value to their project for a small hourly fee.

Positively! ArchiPal’s professional model is not a threat to traditional architectural practices; rather, it complements existing building construction related businesses. Archipal is platform through which affordable architecural services could be rendered to clients without compromising the quality of their designs. Alongside, experiential learning will also be facilitated for emerging architects to gain real-world client experience to enhance their interpersonal and business skills. While it maps with RIBA criteria for qualifications in architecture, ArchiChamps and young ArchiPals will, in a way, work as goodwill ambassadors for the profession, increasing awareness about the role of architects in society and the value they bring to projects within their local communities.

Architects can easily become involved with day-to-day issues on site, extend their role and control projects efficiently. Through the ArchiPal app, vitrual connectivity with the site will also enable architects to take pictures remotely, add consultants as participants and provide instant solutions. This app can also be used to appraise the prospects of a site, make reasonable assessment of site conditions, and define the scope of work before the first meeting, thereby reducing time, effort and cost for preliminary analysis and project feasibility studies. This will increase collaboration among stakeholders, contractors and architects, and most importantly will empower clients and improve architect-client relationships.

Aside from ensuring our ArchiPals are flexible, fast, can provide expert advice and can work on short deadlines, we will take the following steps to support ArchiPal customers:

Maintain only certified Architects, technicians, and consultants verified through professional institutions.

Ensure ArchiPal members use our proprietary planning and reporting process to stay in touch with customers and keep them updated on projects.

Provide client interaction and management training for all ArchiPal members.

Develop close relationships with subcontractors who can support us in areas such as graphic design, to ensure materials and presentations are always clear and maintain a consistent brand.

The interests of architecture students and emerging architects lie at the heart of ArchiPal’s business model. From the time a student enrols in an architectural course they will have an option to digitally record their architectural journey on ArchiPal’s portal, through a personalised dashboard and dedicated web space. This is where all their projects will be recorded and where they can interact with their connections and display their skill set in the form of badges earned, comments and reviews from customers, and recommendations sought. This will help increase their employability should they opt to list their profile publically; employers can follow this emerging talent pool. However, a dedicated job board will also be set up for employers to post architecture-related jobs

You will be have option to select your ArchiMentor and then we will pair you with them. They will then checks your document / protfolio to see if you provided sufficient information – if not, we’ll contact you via e-mail to give us extra details.

Once sufficient information has been provided, the ArchiMentor takes 1-2 business days to complete a first draft that’s sent back to you. If you have any feedback, the ArchiMentor incorporates this and sends back a final version in another 1-2 business days.

Resume career services or workshops typically provide an outdated version of how to update your resume. Although there’s lots of applicable advice, it’s general and not done by industry experts who have worked in the field.

Most importantly, these services offer no solution to bypass automated tracking systems. These systems automatically filter out applicants if they don’t match a particular subset of skills for an industry.

The Pals of Architecture is working in the academic and professional networks. Because of this, our ArchiMentors know exactly how to reframe an individual’s experiences.

Each member’s credibility and professional service standards are first verified through their professional registration and prescribed code of conduct. Second, they are endorsed by peers who are familiar with their work and career progression. Third, they are also judged on the basis of their client reviews and, finally, through word of mouth and personal recommendation, as the whole platform operates on localised network of its community members. Moreover, when commissioning a member for a job, clients will have the option to nominate a mentor or an architectural guru to oversee and monitor the progress of the project, or to perform a one-time project appraisal review, where they submit a written report confirming the quality of the work, or an additional hourly fee.

The interests of architecture students and emerging architects lie at the heart of ArchiPal’s business model. From the time a student enrols in an architectural course they will have an option to digitally record their architectural journey on ArchiPal’s portal, through a personalised dashboard and dedicated web space. This is where all their projects will be recorded and where they CAN interact with their connections and display their skill set in the form of badges earned, comments and reviews from customers, and recommendations sought. This will help increase their employability should they opt to list their profile publically; employers can follow this emerging talent pool. However, a dedicated job board will also be set up for employers to post architecture-related jobs.

Apart from mentoring emerging architects, the ArchiMentor program also plans to offer high school students the best opportunities and awareness around careers in the design and construction industry, free of cost. Some of ArchiPal’s profits will be used to set up an ARCHIPAL scholarship program for young learners and to support emerging architects to enhance their learning activities through promotional discounts and freebies based on their acivities and prerformance on the ArchiPal platform. A blog will also be set up, which members will be invited to submit articles to, with compensation tied to response.

The overarching goal of ArchiPal is to fill the gap that curently exists within architectural academia and practice due to which emerging architects are unable to to make a smooth transition from academia to practice. Endorsement from architectural institutions and professional organisations will be a key factor in the launch and success of such an initiative. With the support and involvement of architectural practices who are willing to allow students to shadow their projects which fall within students local areas, this project can materialise with very low investment. Through a social cause, community engagement and an institutional fit, this project enables early understanding of theory and practice for students, offering case studies of small Live-Projects. Furthermore, this can have a potentially wider impact and outreach by creating awareness and promoting the architectural profession and the role of architects in society .

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    What type of a building type is it?

    This helps us match you with the right ArchiPal product.

    Residential Space

    Commercial Space

    What is the size of your commercial space?

    Similar to the type of building, the size allows us to adjust our pricing to reflect your needs.

    upto 50 sqmt

    for 2-4 occupants

    50-150 sqmt

    for 5-12 occupants

    150-300 sqmt

    for 12-15 occupants

    500+ sqmt

    25 and above occupants

    What is the size of your residential space?

    Similar to the type of building, the size allows us to adjust our pricing to reflect your needs.

    studio apartment

    upto 50 sq m

    A small flat


    50-150 sq m


    semi Detached

    150-300 sq m

    A semi-detached house


    500+ sq m

    Detached home/bungalow

    What type of architectural services do you need?

    If you don’t know what kind of services you might need, select others.

    New build

    New Build

    design a new home



    Increase a property space

    loft conversion


    Loft & Garage - add to your existing space

    Garage conversion

    Retrofit & remodelling

    Alter or upgrade your property space


    Enhance your space

    home improvements

    Home Improvements

    Small cosmetic and functional jobs

    external improvements

    external improvment

    hard and soft landscaping

    Other services

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    What type of architectural services do you need?

    If you don’t know what kind of services you might need, select others.

    office interiors

    office interiors

    Spruce up your work space

    industrial unit

    industrial unit

    A functional and safe workshop

    office building

    new building

    Design your new workspace

    retail interiors

    retail interiors

    Review and enhance your shop

    store front

    Shop Front Design

    New look for your business

    other services

    Other services

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