Industrial Unit

If you have outgrown your existing business location it may be that a new industrial unit is the answer. This may be on land you already own, or on a serviced site. Your building can be designed to the specific needs of the business yet allowing the space to be generic enough to allow an easy sell when you need to move on. New compliance requirements in environmental, fire, energy, noise, and waste will mean that new solutions in terms of space and equipment will be needed and these will need an expert eye and experience in this specialist area. Having your space designed properly by an expert will save money in the long term, as things will work better and last longer, as well as being compliant with regulations.

What is this product?
New build can include newly constructed structures of all types such as houses, apartments, office blocks, hospitals, stadium and so on. However, the term is often used in association with the building of new homes


This is for all Residential Projects, Offices, hotels, restaurants, retail spaces, hospitality, healthcare, theatrical set and exhibition design.


In this package Your archipal will help you realised your dream house and transform your vision into a buildable design solution and get planning permission.


In the case of an existing multi-storey office block which has three new floors added to increase lettable floor space, the building overall would not be regarded as 'new build'. Work that is not termed new build includes remodelling, refurbishment and renovation. Extensions, by their very nature, can be classed as new build but the existing building that has been extended is not new build.

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Starting at: 490
When considering a construction project for an existing building you will need to check that your ideas are deliverable. This is before any designs can start and will include considerations on the site and its condition, access, services and planning. These factors can be reviewed by your ArchiPal and advice given of how the project might proceed, as well as its likely cost and duration. A concept design would follow on from this product.

Who is it for?

All types of construction or development projects, residential or commercial.
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 2,880
Preparation of the initial Project Brief is the most important task that must be undertaken as the first package of work. This product suits those with a clear idea on what is needed, with a site in mind and a clear idea of what is required. Your designer will establish what you are looking for and assess how easily that might be achieved, including costs. Following this work can then progress to concept design.

Who is it for?

This product is for Domestic & Commercial property owners and all types of new development.
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 4,320
As your project develops you will need accurate drawings to progress many aspects of your project. These will be needed for various approvals and consents as well as for pricing the work by contractors and consultants. While these drawings can be prepared with a virtual site visit you may prefer that a professional comes to your site and takes all the measurements and details themselves.

Who is it for?

This product is suitable for medium to small domestic and commercial buildings.
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 4,320
This service takes your ideas and the Architects initial feasibility work to a level of design where you can see what the project might look like. It will include outline plans and elevations of the building fabric, but not details of building services such as heating and power. The concept design will account for site factors, your budget and timescales. Electrical works, plumbing and related details are not covered. In some cases, these drawings will be sufficient for outline planning applications and dialogues or associations with stakeholders

Who is it for?

This product is suitable for new projects or existing domestic and commercial buildings of all types.
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 8,640
Detailed design will include all the factors and considerations built up over the dialogue and the design process. You will have a very good idea of how the project will look. Detailed design will include all the factors and considerations built up over the dialogue and the design process and will give you a good idea of how the project will look. The design will include all aspects outline details of the building services and finishes of the project such as building services, heating and cooling, structural design and finishes, Cost planning will also be included. There will be enough information for detailed planning and building warrant application and you will get an estimate of the cost. To get full cost information you will need the Bill of Quantities product. The detailed design draws together the work done in previous stages and discussions with the designer. The design will have taken into consideration on-site factors and wider considerations. The design can address the project planning aspects such as programme and operational factors. Structural interventions will be described but not specified; this work will require a Structural Design.

Who is it for?

This product is suitable for domestic and commercial buildings of all types.
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 4,800
Get your building services fully integrated with the wider project from an early stage to reduce costs and re-working. Your ArchiPal will work with the architect and other professionals to ensure that the systems you install are suitable and fit with other installations and meet current and anticipated energy efficiency requirements. This might also include passive measures, considerations on sustainability and renewable technologies and general approaches to be taken before detailed designs for the services are progressed.

Who is it for?

This product is suitable for new builds and existing domestic and commercial buildings of all types.
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 6,400
Get the right professional to review your building plans and specify the right structural measures and design for your contractor to follow. Your Engineer will view the property and check areas where structural design is required, supplying drawings for the required areas. A site visit during the construction work can also be booked at additional cost see Site-Visit. Structural designs can also cover specific work such as temporary support works, new openings, excavations, foundations, and other components.

Who is it for?

This product is relevant to both Domestic & Commercial properties. All types of existing and new developments.
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 4,800
A well-designed electrical installation is an essential component of the overall construction project. This may be an updated system in an existing building or a new arrangement including many advanced services such as heat storage and integration of renewables. This product will give you designs and specifications for all the electrical systems in your project and how they interact with other services and construction details.

Who is it for?

This product is suitable for new build projects and existing domestic and commercial buildings of all types.
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 7,200
This service will combine all relevant information from other consultants to give a single package of instruction to make sure work on-site is fully described. showing technical details of the structure, linings, finishes, and decoration. Heating, Ventilation, Plumbing etc. as required for pricing by the contractor, or for tender and approval purposes.

Who is it for?

This product is suitable for new build projects and existing and new domestic and commercial building projects of all types.
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 2,880
Some Financial lenders require proof that the work done on a building is safe and legal. The PCC confirms this following an inspection of the building and the associated documentation. It states that the construction work has had planning permission and conforms to any planning conditions set. In some cases, it is possible to obtain a retrospective PCC for an already completed property. Your ArchiPal will need copies of important documentation, such as planning permissions, ground condition surveys, structural and technical data, building regulation approval, and the start and end dates for contracted work. You will also need a PCC if you want to re-finance, sell, or let the building. A PCC is valid for 6 years from the date of certification.

Who is it for?

This product is suitable for existing domestic and commercial buildings of all types.  
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 4,320
Certain types of work or interventions to a building will need an Approval from Local Authority. This might be alterations, additions, new drains, structural alterations or a change of use such as the conversion of a shop to a flat. Get advice on what work may need a building plan approval, the drawings needed for this and how it is applied for. This service will then do the application process to the Local Authority for you. They will also respond to any points or objections raised by concerned officers. This product will give you advice on this and what information will be required by the Local Authority and will handle the application process needed to get your Warrant. A site visit may be required and will need to be purchased separately – see Site visit

Who is it for?

This product is suitable for existing domestic and commercial buildings of all types.
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 4,990
When you take a building such as a shop and convert it to another use such as residential, this is called a 'change of use'. This will need a change of use Application to be submitted. Your ArchiPal will understand the local planning system and what parts of the town can be used differently. They can advise you on the process and what additional requirements this will put on the design. They will complete and submit the application for you to the local authority. Drawings may be required for this and these will have to be bought separately. Who is it for? This product is suitable for existing domestic and commercial buildings of all types.
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 22,500
You will need to know how much the work will cost, and how this is broken down into details for the different trades. Simples works can be priced in a basic spreadsheet, but larger projects will need a ‘Bill of Quantities’ - a document that itemises each area of construction activity with a material and labour cost. This is needed to allow contractors to submit their prices so you can choose. These costs need to be planned into a project plan.  

Who is it for?

This product is for domestic & commercial property owners and for all types of works.
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 5,750
You have designs and drawings, a construction site and a clear idea of what you want. How do you get the right people to deliver the project and what contract will be suitable? This product will give you the advice and service to take on a contractor on the right contract and engage the other essential trades that you will need to do the work. Your ArchiPal will take on all the tasks such as tender preparation, tender issue, contractor selection and appointment, use of specialist sub-contractors and advice on materials.

Who is it for?

Are you in a bind with your site project work? Do you feel you are unable to get the required materials on-site at the right time? Let an ArchiPal, a trained professional visit your site to help you procure the right material and labour resources at favourable rates. This product is suitable for new build projects and existing domestic and commercial buildings of all types.
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 43,200
This product is a way for you to get an independent view and check on the progress of your project on-site. Your Archipal will make a series of site visits where they will check that what is being built is what is in the specification. This is sometimes called a ‘Clerk of Works’ or Site inspection. Your ArchiPal will also check on progress against the construction programme as well as material use and storage. After each visit there will be a written report, capturing the key points above. This service is independent of the design team and can offer quality control and reassurance to your project.

Who is it for?

This product is relevant to new build projects and Domestic & Commercial property owners.
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 6,990
You will need assurance that the work on your project has been completed to the standard specified. An independent professional is best placed to do this, and a written report will give you assurance as to quality and compliance. If there are defects at the end of a project, you will need someone independent to say what the situation is, without any of the pressures of those involved in the project. Your ArchiPal will also advise on any design or workmanships issues and what remedial works are needed.

Who is it for?

This product is relevant to new build projects and existing domestic & commercial properties.
Size of project
Building Type
Starting at: 7,500
With this product, you are buying time as required from a Professional as you require. This might be a Structural Engineer, an Architect, Surveyor or M&E Engineer. This product is kept simple to allow you to add time as you require, depending on the nature of the problem.

Who is it for?

This product is relevant to both Domestic & Commercial property owners. All types of structure.
Total Site Visits
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 2,000
While much design can be done without seeing the site the designer will have to understand the location and its context. This can be done virtually, using the client's information and video feeds to allow a basic picture to be formed for comment by your ArchiPal. Areas to be recorded could be details of access, existing building condition, recent building works and services.

Who is it for?

This product is relevant to both Domestic & Commercial property owners. All types of structure.
Total Site Visits
Building Type
Starting at: 8,500
With knowledge of the local area and the Local Authority Planning Department, your expert ArchiPal can make an application of building completion to inform your local authority about the successful completion of your building works. Your ArchiPal will provide information on the technical processes and importance of completion certificates that include structural changes, retrofits, additions and alterations etc.

Who Is It For?

This product is relevant to both Domestic & Commercial properties. All types of existing and new buildings.
Building Type
Size of project
Starting at: 7,500
The project closeout will ensure and agree on completion of the works by all parties and confirm that it has met client requirements as set out in initial documentation, that all the costs have been invoiced and paid, that the building complies with all legal regulations and that the client can now be given a handover without any further issues. It will also ensure that you are left with the knowledge and resources necessary to maintain and operate your new space.

Who is it for?

This product is relevant to both Domestic & Commercial properties. All types of existing and new buildings.
Building Type
Size of project
Your project requirement
image (13)

Starting at:

From 0

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How it works

Step 1

Book a free intro call or purchase a product.

Step 2

Fill out a short project questionnaire & sign a contract to confirm ArchiPal Services.

Step 3

ArchiPal finds you a licensed architect based on your project requirements with skill set, location and expertise in mind.

Step 4

Connect with your architect.

Step 5

ArchiPal’s license professionals help you complete your project job.


An expert can actually save you money in the long run and add value to your renovation or project, thus, hiring an architect’s services is a wise investment.

All our services are offered at a fixed price rate, ceasing quotation-based fees, including residential and commercial design, as well as bespoke projects. 

Our ArchiPals and ArchiMates are all licenced and accredited professionals – so you are in safe hands!

Not all projects will require numerous plans, sections, details, specifications, schedules, mechanical and electrical designs, and structural calculations. 

It is important to remember that tradesmen do not always have the expertise and skills in visualising project completion from the outset. As a result, there may be unpredictable outcomes, additional expenses and long delays, not to mention unsatisfied clients. 

You determine and select the specifications of your project on our platform.
With the information you provide, we search our vast network to find suitable and qualified local architects willing to undertake your work.
The architect will contact you to discuss your requirements and utilise our platform to contract relevant professionals to build a team to turn your vision into a reality.

There are 2 ways to purchase services on our platform. Our first option allows you to choose from our standard listed services that are all set at a fixed rate price – dependent on the type of work required. We also provide the opportunity to customise a ‘self-service’ plan suited to your own requirements.

The most convenient way to contact us is via e-mail:  We aim to respond to all queries within 24 hours.

We want to make your experience with us as comfortable as possible. Our customer service is available Monday – Friday. Drop us an e-mail at We will respond as soon as possible.

ArchiPal members will all be verified professionals – making them credible providers adhering to codes of conducts and practice.
Regulatory bodies within the build and design community will also be a part of a larger network, and at the time of purchase of a service, a client will have the opportunity to nominate a mentor to oversee and monitor the progress of the project, or the option to review work upon completion of project and provide a written report confirming that the quality of work and practice of professional.

At ArchiPal, we strongly believe that the key to the success of any project is the relationship between clients and their designers.

Depending upon the size, type and complexity of the job you can find architects, engineers, consultants or emerging talent on this platform.


We have answers. Book a free consultation with a licensed Architect.

  Ask a Question

Store Policies

Quality Committment
All ArchiPals are experienced and registered practitioners with a minimum experience of 3 years of practice.

Timely delivery policy
If you are unable to provide the minimal specifications required for a project to the ArchiPal team within ____days of receiving the questionnaire then your product will be cancelled and the full amount refunded to your card on file.

Working closely with clients and users, ArchiPals ensure that projected designs match requirements and are functional, safe and economical. Through ArchiPal platform the decision of the level of their input is yours and you can decide when and for which specific tasks you need an ArchiPal.

Customer Reviews


Please be aware that ArchiPal for Clients products by ArchiPal are intended to provide access to certified or licensed professionals in pursuit of particular parcels of work at your build site. These products are designed to provide tactical knowledge of practice given by accredited and experienced practitioners at junctures of your choosing. ArchiPal is the platform that connects clients requiring timely and critically targeted inputs with architects and designers able to provide those.

Related Products

Find a professional

ArchiPal helps you find architects, engineers and consultants to get your job done right.

What type of a building type is it?

This helps us match you with the right ArchiPal product.

Archipal India

Residential Space

Commercial Space

What is the size of your commercial space?

Similar to the type of building, the size allows us to adjust our pricing to reflect your needs.

upto 50 sqmt

for 2-4 occupants

50-150 sqmt

for 5-12 occupants

150-300 sqmt

for 12-15 occupants

500+ sqmt

25 and above occupants

What is the size of your residential space?

Similar to the type of building, the size allows us to adjust our pricing to reflect your needs.

studio apartment

upto 50 sq m

A small flat


50-150 sq m


150-300 sq m

2 BHK house


500+ sq m


What type of architectural services do you need?

If you don’t know what kind of services you might need, select others.

New build

New Build

design a new home



Increase a property space

loft conversion


Loft & Garage - add to your existing space

Garage conversion

Retrofit & remodelling

Alter or upgrade your property space


Enhance your space

home improvements

Home Improvements

Small cosmetic and functional jobs

external improvements

external improvment

hard and soft landscaping

Other services

see all products

What type of architectural services do you need?

If you don’t know what kind of services you might need, select others.

office interiors

office interiors

Spruce up your work space

industrial unit

industrial unit

A functional and safe workshop

office building

new building

Design your new workspace

retail interiors

retail interiors

Review and enhance your shop

store front

Shop Front Design

New look for your business

other services

Other services

see all products

Common products:
